
Note of possibility

Dear Death,

Today, as my any ordinary weekday started early in the morning with BBC breakfast blaring on the TV while having breakfast and reading/watching news. It has been a habit: trying to scoop the latest world news before having to rush along with other commuters in order to catch the train to
Hilversum for work. Being a poor student and an intern, your dear writer has to skip newspaper subscription and makes do with the free internet news site or as you guess depends on TV. It is also an obligation for one that works in media to be in touch with the latest events, but for today, since I have been feeling meditative, the headlines truly worry me: one year after London's attack. Not that another days headlines are not disquieting, I mean: poverties, deaths, wars, corruptions, disasters, global warming, etc (starting to sound like a hippies here). They are enough to make one loose one’s appetite or disturb one’s sanity. You simply learn to be impassive to survive.

I understand that these “tragedies” have been happening in increasing intervals in several late years: 9/11, Bali, Jakarta, Madrid, and London but to mention a few. Some directly affected me, some not. Coupled with watching too many ‘Crash Scene Investigation’ from Discovery channel (or was it National Geographic? but never mind, just one of them), I am turning into one big mass of paranoid. Before departing into a train or bus or tram or other public transportation, there are anxiousness. I feel apprehensive and suspicious that somehow by certain stroke of luck, someone is going to blow this tram or we are going to have a fatal accident from crashing another train or simply drop dead for no reason at all. Scary huh? And pretty shallow too, but I can’t help but feeling selfish on that .

It will be fortunate if all of us, human, have the opportunities to prepare our last legacies to the world (read BIG: humanity, small: people near us), just like Mr. William Parish (played by the remarkable Anthony Hopkins) in “Meet Joe Black” but hey we don’t, therefore I dedicate this section to tell my loved ones how much I well, love them (in case I don't have the time and regret it later…just in case…because you’ll never know). Papa and Mama, thank you for being solid anchor throughout my life. Mami, for being a generous guardian to our home and for giving me my childhood adventures. Linda, Cece, and Erick: I adore you lots, each of you for being so different yet so sweet; we had and still will have our siblings’ fights but I hope the best for your futures. Fonzie: crazy quirky guy, thanks for introducing me to different point of views. And all of the people I have ever known: I apologize if I have ever offended you however you have my gratitude for shaping the now me.

PS: Death, if you are as good looking as Mr. Pitt playing you (a.k.a Joe Black), I wouldn’t mind if you pay me a visit, but not so soon ok?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss u too..
